In the past few months, I've decided to step up my game on the road to professional fishing. It seems that fishing for a living has evolved with the rest of the world in regards to technology. A seemingly simplistic sport no longer has nature at its core; rather, it has shifted into a "he who has the most toys wins" mentality. Not only do I need top-of-the-line poles, reels, and tackle, but I also need to be social media savvy with knowledge of photo and video editing programs. I need a computer that has a strong enough operating system to power all of said programs, and no longer will my trusty iPhone 4 suffice for snagging pics of my catches due to something about megapixels (or lack thereof).
I now have realized how invaluable my 20 year background in sales and marketing for the restaurant industry will prove to be. In signing with a company as field staff or becoming selected by a sponsor, I'm certain to spend multiple hours a day seamlessly displaying a brand.
It seems a bit ironic that amid all of the roles and responsibilities manuals, Google Docs, and Instagram filters, I've finally been asked by a company, "What does kayak fishing mean to you?"
Now--- I'm a self-starter, and I have no problem acquiring endless amounts of high-tech gadgets. I have zero issue implementing my experience in marketing into the fishing field. I don't mind sitting hours at a computer learning all these new programs. But... I am just now realizing how far off track these goals had taken me from the heart of my passion. I am humbled to so quickly (and with just one simple question) be reminded of why I do what I do. A seemingly simplistic question for a seemingly simplistic sport that puts everything back into perspective: what does kayak fishing mean to me?
It means balance.
That is all it means, yet balance means everything--- such an all-encompassing idea that requires careful and extensive juxtapositions.
There are genres of classic literature that rely almost solely upon the restorative powers of nature. Books flying off shelves for all eternity and studied in classrooms around the world simply because mankind desires a balance with nature. This concept is not one that I need a professor or Spark Notes to explain to me. Every fishing excursion provides an escape from the chaos of every day life, a few hours to forget about the 21st century's never ending to-do list. It is that fishing is an ideal classroom in which I can teach my kids about life: conservation and curiosity, patience and persistence. Just as it is in life, in fishing, you must learn when to keep the line tight and when to adjust the drag, when to battle a beast and when to let him tire himself out. Each new species reeled in is a reminder of the endless possibilities of exploration and discovery. This sport rewards risk-taking and demands safety. It fosters a balance between the thrill of the hunt and a respect for nature. Kayak fishing breeds spontaneity and requires thoughtful planning at the same time. It teaches that skill and luck are both pivotal. The challenge is symbolic that what comes easy is not always what's best--- the constant pursuit, a reminder that things handed to you are never as cherished as those for which you have tirelessly worked to gain. There will be days you win big countered with days you get skunked--- and either way, you are left wanting more. Regardless of trophies won from competitions and tournaments, the intrinsic rewards outweigh the tangible. Because of kayak fishing, my kids will know that the best dinner doesn't always come from a fancy restaurant or aisle 7 in the grocery store. Instead, the most fulfilling meal is the one you scooped out of the water and prepared together as a team.
It is said that mastery in any area can never truly be attained; rather, you will spend your whole life bettering yourself to reach the highest level of skill and knowledge through practice. While this is certainly the case for fishing, it holds true for self-discovery as well. I know no other sport that offers this "Great Perhaps"; I know no other sport that is so richly ingrained in balance.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
My first yak fish!!!!!!
It's not the biggest not the baddest, but after a struggling long winter, I finally reeled in a fish...
Left the house around 7:30 am on Monday, March 25th. It was cloudy and the wind was Karate Kid part 4 early on. We headed to Seabrook Flats and looked around then drove to the Pine Gully Pier and I showed it to my buddy, Cody, who had never seen or heard of it. We chatted it up and moved around, decided to launch near the Kemah bridge and launched next to Outriggers. At this point the wind had died down, and we were off. We went left at the bridge and were fishing next to the Kemah Boardwalk. I decided to resort to some old habits and was using dead shrimp on one setup and throwing a Paul Brown Pink corky with the other. I posted up in one spot for a good 30 -45 minutes while Cody was mobbing all around. I sure miss shrimp! Majority of the time- I always feel bites, crabs, something with shrimp . After about 15 minutes, I got a hard hit and was pumped. Nothing was there. Grrrrrr. Few minutes later - FISH ON! I yelled to Cody, but he could not hear me. After about 45 seconds, I had my first kayak fish. A WHOPPING (wait for it.......) piggy perch!!! And, to top it off, it was foul hooked in the stomach!!!! Oh well. Skunk over regardless. We headed back toward Clear Lake. Cody was consistent in wanting to fish some marsh, so we decided to change location. We paddled back to Outriggers, tied up to the dock and ran in for some lunch. Good food and enjoyed my first trip to a restaurant via kayak. When we were done, we headed to Galveston and fished some marsh off 45. ( Exit 7 ish) Once again, on shrimp, I caught a black drum!!! 16" of fish, and I was pumped!! About thirty minutes later, I managed to pull up a feisty blue crab. The wind started to pick up, and we called it a day after a couple of hours. I'll continue to throw lures and hope for a more fish-filled blog in the very near future. Had a blast !!!!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Wintertime blues
To some, the winter fishing brings out a chance to catch a monster, wall-mount trout, to others a shivering day with nothing to catch but a cheeseburger on the way home.
I myself have not done well at all fishing in the crisp air of winter, but it's definitely growing on me. When dressed with just the right amount of layers to protect you from being too cold, it can feel great out on the water. The water, gin-clear, air so crisp, on a calm day with no wind and no one around... it almost has the feel of a remote chilly paradise. Watching a pelican glide effortlessly, for miles just one inch above the water, from the kayak I paddle along into the quietness listening for clues of nearby fish. Waiting for a mullet to jump, to show some signs of life underneath the clear water. Birds diving into the water off in a distance, liar birds just bombing the water looking for life as I am, or are they giving clues as to bait in the area with bigger fish possibly lurking near by causing the chain event from the depth underneath?
Most bait is gone, no more plankton, shrimp are scarce, mullet few and far between. The winter hunter knows patience and will find them. Presentation is extremely important during this cold time. Fish move more slowly during the winter, so your lure must move to the pace of their liking . Water is much clearer, so (in my opinion) you need a natural looking bait as the fish can more easily sense that something is off with your multi-colored, laser-shooting lure. Keep it simple, natural, and work it slow. Some, on a real bad day, will use dead shrimp as the drum both red and black will have a bite if they cross paths with it . Trout like deeper pockets with mud bottoms near shell and typically won't go for cut bait. They prefer them alive or a good lure will fool them into a strike. Flounder can still be caught often in the winter as well.They rest on the sandy bottoms and love mullet, live or dead. Working these baits slowly by a hidden flounder in the sand can cause for a tricky strike in which one has to know when to set the hook to capture a delicious flounder. I'm pretty much referring to the bays, and marshes . Winter fishing on the surf can be fun and rewarding too. Ever caught a Jack Crevalle? No, me neither . But many have, and they are as tough as nails and will fight the whole entire time they are hooked on your line. Thrashing and pulling, working the waters forcing you to be on your A- game and have appropriate tackle. Bull reds and monster black drum will cruise the winter surf looking for bait and if they come across yours, buckle up and hold on. Strength and a large size make these beauties a super fun catch . I recently asked fellow TKF's ( Texas Kayak Fisherman) what they thought of when it comes to winter fishing. Theses are a few of their replies .
Kosmo10 " I think of our skunk streak,and how I kept it alive this morning in Kemah lol. But I didn't get a ticket time do the glass is half full!"
He is one of my fishing buddies, and he was referring to the not too good luck we've had this winter.
Yakrazy " First thing I think of is gin clear water......beautiful, but an annoying sight"
Slayer21 " Corkies and big trout! My favorite time to fish!"
Lurejunkee " Nice long cold wades, scanning the water looking and listening"
Some don't even fish during the cold months; for others, it's prime time. For me, as I'm still new to kayaking and winter fishing, it is a pleasurable challenge. Even when I'm not reeling them in, I always enjoy casting the coast anytime of the year!
Those of you following my blog, I appreciate it and you will learn my journey one splash at a time!
Shout out to my Kayak Wars team !!!
Cody, Justin, Raul, and James!
See ya soon
I'll be going Monday, and I plan on fishing till I catch my first fish on a kayak !
Winter blues ......
Thursday, February 6, 2014
An Open Letter to the "Fishing Widows" from a Coastie Wife
I’m just going to say it--- if I see one more picture of a skinny, bikini-clad blonde holding up a bull red and smiling on a fancy fishing boat, I am going to puke. That is NOT what most fishermen’s wives look like. These cute little blondes have a rich daddy who was nice enough to send his little princess to Cancun for Spring Break, and she just so happened to try to go out on a fishing excursion to show the boys how cool she was, and she accidentally caught some big ol’ Mahi-Tuna-Swordfish crossbreed (which I’m sure she did not know the name of until she was told --- 4 times). This is the story in my head, and I’m sticking to it.
It more than upsets me to see these pictures for a few reasons:
1) Hell yes, I am jealous that she looks so damn good in that cut off tank top that I could NEVER pull off.
2) Hell yes, I am jealous that she is on a fancy boat off the coast of Cancun without a care in the world, and her daddy paid for it.
3) Hell yes, I am jealous that she caught a Mahi-Tuna-Swordfish crossbreed.
4) But mostly---- these photos make the bile rise in my throat because REAL Fishermen’s wives do far more than giggle while looking cute in a paradise photo op.
Let me paint a real picture for you--- the real wife of an angler rarely shows up in photos because she is either at home with the kids, or she is the one taking the photo. However, IF a fisherman’s wife did show up in a photo--- here is what you would see. You would see her making sure that each kid had his/her line in the water before she even baits her own hook. You’d see her rubbing 70 SPF sunscreen on her husband because GOD FORBID he have the instrinsic motivation to prevent his own skin cancer. You’d see her running in the background toward her son’s catch because she knows it’s a hard-head from 20 feet away, and she doesn’t want him to get barbed. You might see a picture of her cutting the bait into smaller pieces to make it last longer for her daughter. You most definitely would see a picture of her trying to get fish guts out of her hair. And if she is really lucky, you might catch her in a moment of relaxation trying to wipe dead-shrimp juice off the top of the can of beer (because somebody got the bait & beer coolers mixed up) while she sits down to catch her breath for two seconds.
Of course there will be a few occasions which she actually catches her own little whiting or black drum, and her hubby will be proud enough to drop his own line long enough to take a picture. In that photo, she damn sure won’t be wearing a freaking string bikini with cut-offs and a face full of make-up (WHO are these girls?). Instead--- she will probably have on the same grungy, baggy pants she has on in the last photo because those are her comfy, fish-gut-wiping pants, and they have enough room in the pockets to hold pliers, rags, and a flask. A real fishing wife will be wearing one of her husband’s XL Coastie Culture (or other fishing related brand) shirt. She won’t have any make-up on because she knows that if her sunscreen runs into her eyes, it will sting and her mascara will run. She will also be wearing a hat in order to avoid her hair getting entangled with fish guts or getting blown in her freaking eyes every freaking 5 freaking seconds.
Ladies and Gentlemen--- THIS is what a real fishing wife FREAKING looks like.
At a Super Bowl party last week, my husband and I were blessed to meet Richard. Richard is the first person I’ve met in a while who appreciates what we ladies sometimes deal with. After introductions were made and my husband swayed the conversation over to fishing, I thought I was only secretly rolling my eyes and sighing at an all too familiar scene. Apparently, Richard caught on. He leaned over, and through a smile, he asked, “Are you a fishing widow?” With one small question, he had validated every bit of what I have felt since I figuratively lost my husband to the ocean 3 years ago.
If he isn’t at the pier, in a kayak, or surfcasting--- then he is at Fishing Tackle Unlimited or his eyes are glued to TKF forum. We have even sacrificed date nights due to off shore fishing trips or to meet up with fishing buddies.
I know you other fishing widows are feeling what I’m saying right now. I know you are putting your hand in the air and screaming out, “Preach it, Sister!” But, before you start letting that bitter streak show--- let me share with you something with which I am coming to terms---- While the ocean is pretty big competition, it ain’t a skinny, bikini-clad blonde. Fishing is where my husband goes to refill his soul just like I do when my nose is buried in a book (or a glass of wine). Through the years, I have seen too many of my friends lose their love to gambling, bar-hopping, cheating, or just plain indifference. I have to tell you, sisters, I don’t see fishing being the root of any of that. I see my husband passionate about learning, I see him reading, I see him making memories with our kids, I see him trying to spark the same zeal within me, I see him bringing home dinner like a BOSS!
I’m not so sure I’m a widow. This isn’t a man who is indifferent or dead to his wife. Quite conversely, it’s a man who is most definitely alive. Can’t complain about that.
This blog’s shout out goes to all of the fishing wives I see in the background of those photos! Go give your fisherman a big fat kiss on the mouth, and tell him thanks for choosing fishing as a habit instead of all of the other things he could have been addicted to. Remind yourself that he has to go to sleep sometime, so unless there is a tournament going on at the pier, he will be home in time to lay his head on the pillow next to yours. On the days when you feel like you have slipped too far into the background, I hope you find it in your heart to step into the sunlight, stand next to your man, represent the rest of us in your fish-gut covered jeans, and cast that line out into the ocean.
(Side Note to the Anglers--- please go hug, kiss, and thank your significant others.)
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Kayak Wars
Kayak Wars was created by Eric Ozolins in 2006 as a friendly kayak fishing tournament between two Texas teams for bragging rights... the upper coast and lower coast. Since then it has grown to be one of the largest, year-long kayak fishing tournaments in the world. An event completely free of charge to enter and enjoy. Kayak Wars delivers a unique point system for over 100 species of prized fish in the United States.
I came across Kayak Wars on TKF, and I wanted to partake instantly . Even though I'm new to kayaking, I recruited a team and look forward to a year of great fishing and stories to share with you. Now, let's meet the team!
First angler up, Justin Kostelnik. Paddling a brand new 2014 MEAN GREEN WILDERNESS RIDE 115x --with all the fixings. Justin is new to kayaking and fishing, but he is ready to rip some lips. Educated Aggie, served our country in the Army, and has three beautiful daughters. A big thanks to his wife, Krista, for letting him fish!
Next up in the bay is Captain Cool, Raul Sarmiento. Enrolled at UHCL studying Environmental Science in Biology. At only 23 years of age, he has been fishing Galveston bay and the Clear Lake area for several years. When he is not using a fish grip, you might find him jamming the guitar (which he does quite well).
Chillin in the no wake zone is Cody Ryden! Received his education from Sam Houston and is currently a manager for Mattress Firm Warehouse. Cody is a die hard fisherman and duck hunter. Whether it's from a kayak , power boat, surf, or pier, he is always eager to reel in the big boys !!
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Cody |
Hobie Outback cruising, bull red hunting, James Jurica is on the scene next. He loves catching sharks and reds and more sharks and reds. James has a 16 month -old baby boy and is happily married. When not with family or fishing, he is working with low, med, & high voltage electrical equipment. This summer he wants to catch some king fish from the yak!
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James |
Team Coastie Culture
Wish us luck!
Thanks Eric Ozolins for keeping Kayak Wars Crazy fun!
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Big Money Red Tourney
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Me, Eric, Cody |
Galveston Urban Ministries ( hosted their First Annual Big Money Red Tourney a few months ago and it ended up being my first tournament too.
My #1 homie, Eric, and his brother, Michael, drove all the way down from Denton, Texas to represent and fish in the tournament.
The tournament was supposed to start at 5 pm on a Friday, but we got there a few hours early to stake claim to our spot on the Galveston Fishing Pier. I was pretty crunk when the tournament started because I was the first one to catch a red. Unfortunately, it was only about 34" and I knew that wouldn't be big enough to place in the end. So--- Fish on. Most of the catches came that night. It was cold and windy, but we tried to stay warm with a little help from a handle of Jim Beam and some of the best Habanero Beef Jerky from Mean E's Meats. (getcha some ---> )
Those two things kept us awake for 3 days straight with a few naps in between, but sleeping on the pier isn't that comfortable. Even though we went most of the day Saturday and Sunday without catching much we couldn't complain because this was our view:
Eric ended up catching his first red at this tournament. It was a good looking fish, but it wasn't enough to place either. My buddy, John Stapleton showed up to fish the tournament and pulled a red in that made it on the board. My buddy, Cody Ryden (pictured above) did not fish the tournament, but he was there with a friend a few hours before the tournament started. I actually think he is the one that caught all the reds, and I blame him for our slow weekend. In hindsight, we probably should have gotten a spot at the end of the pier because the guys set up down there were pulling in most of the reds. If I'm not mistaken, that's where the tourney winners were set up.
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Eric's first red |
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1st catch (34 in.) |
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2nd catch (36 1/2 in) |
Y'all go check out Galveston Urban Ministries to see how you can give back to underprivileged youth on the island.
"Say hello to my little boat" KAYAK

My passion and desire to learn more about the Coastie life, mastering catch and release of our salt water creatures led me to wanting a Kayak. Mobile , requires no gas , can float on less than a foot of water ! The hunt , the ride , the scenery of the birds diving for bait as the sun rises and you are watching the day awake before your eyes. I'll miss the pier , a lot , but it's time to move around. I'll be back!
Ok so what did I know about Kayaks . Nada, other than it's a small plastic boat ! Then TKF , (Texas Kayak Fisherman) came out of nowhere--like someone said "here's a book of information with anglers you can talk to!" Thanks TKF and all its members for all the great info and my intro to virtual kayaking.
Next stop , FTU, (Fishing Tackle Unlimited ) where I met Devin Hood in the Kayak department, and he was more than knowledgeable and extremely helpful. Devin had no clue that I would be in to talk to him several times with endless questions, but he was captain cool about it and he was the main reason I bought my kayak there. Thanks Devin, I hope we hit the water someday. After a couple of months of reading reviews, I finally pulled the trigger. Say hello to my Wilderness RIDE 135 2013 model. I'm extremely happy with my choice and love my coastie cruiser! Purchased in Mid December. My beautiful wife Crystal got me a lot off goodies for my kayak, and I was about ready to hit the h20.
But, I still needed a PFD and with a little research, I ordered a stulquist form ACK online Austin store. Here is how that went .... I'm in Houston , there was no shipping fee, the PFD showed up the next day before noon via fed x. I was like wow what great service . So thanks ACK!
Finally, hit the water first week of this month thanks to John Vining. Thanks for my first trip and I'll see you again soon. You are a pro in my blog! Also, I picked up some norton quick twist. See ya soon.
Since then I've been out a few times and haven't figured out this cold winter kayak fishing yet. Although I have met a bunch of new anglers, created a Kayak team, made some friends , and fish or no fish I've enjoyed every second on the water . Sunrises , birds giving clues to the sign of fish , the anticipation of what's to come at any moment . Fish on! Oh wait , that was a branch . Till next time
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
The Puffer Fish
I caught this bad boy on The Galveston Fishing Pier. It is actually the second one I have caught there and was told this isn't particularly normal. Either way, I was crunk about it.
Most of you know that a puffer fish is called a puffer because it inflates. It does this by inhaling large amounts of water or air to increase its size as a defense mechanism. The puffer fish has tremendous eye sight, but it isn't very quick.
Not only do they puff out to help fight off predators, they also possess a toxin called tetrodotoxin. Tetrodotoxin can be stronger than cyanide and is one of the most toxic components known to man. One large puffer contains enough toxin to kill several men; however, sharks can eat puffer fish without consequence.
But if you ever catch one, be careful when you get your pictures and try to use gloves (just to be safe) when you toss it back. While we aren't too big on eating puffer here in Texas--- in Japan, highly trained chefs will serve Fugu (puffer) as a delicacy. I have also read that dolphins are fans of a little puff here and there; they have been filmed off the coast of Africa passing puffer fish back and forth in order to get high.

Catching this guy landed me a spot in the Reel Report in The Galveston Daily News. Capt. Joe Kent explains the reason for the puffer (which is usually an offshore fish) being so close to the pier: "the warmer waters and higher salinity levels have contributed to a large variety of fish being reported in shallower waters this year."
This shout out goes to Capt. Joe Kent and his Reel Report in The Galveston Daily News--- Thanks for making me famous!
And a special shout out goes to Virginia Adair for being a loyal Daily News reader--- if it weren't for her, I wouldn't have even known that I made it in the Reel Report.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Galveston Fishing Pier
I don't know how I ended up there the first time I went, but Galveston Fishing Pier has been my home away from home since I fell in love with saltwater fishing.
Here is what my wife loves about the pier:
1) They have clean bathrooms (apparently that is important for girls since it made #1 on her list)
2) They serve mixed drinks upstairs and the bartender "don't play" (surprised that didn't make #1 on her list)
3) It's the longest fishing pier in Texas.
I'm not sure that I can narrow down the things I love about GFP to just 3; however, my list has a whole lot more to do with fish than my wife's list.
So let's start with fish. One of the things I can never quite wrap my brain around is how many different species of fish there are in the ocean---some of which have not even been discovered yet. I thoroughly enjoy pulling them all up and over the rail of The Galveston Fishing Pier. Click on the link to peep the slideshow of some catches.....
Galveston Fishing PierThese are just a few of the pictures I have from the pier. Obviously, I love catching reds, but, on the pier, I have caught:
- ribbon fish
- cobia
- sheepshead
- black drum
- gafftop
- hard head (aka wastes of my time)
- pompano
- bonnet head shark
- black tip shark
- whiting
- croaker
- sand trout
- golden croaker
- angel fish
- puffer fish
- stingray
- blue fish
- piggy perch
- blue crab
- spanish mackerel
Here are some of the fish I have seen caught there, but I have never happened to pull up myself:
- flounder
- speckled trout
- spinner shark
- bull shark
- jack crevalle
- sea turtles (yes, I know it's not a fish. And, yes, proper authorities were called and the turtles were released)
So far, the GFP has been my biggest learning experience when it comes to saltwater fishing. It was a great place to learn many different species just from reeling them in, but it was also a great place to meet anglers with all different levels of experience. Depending on the time of day, day of the week, or how many beers you have consumed, you could end up losing a pole, getting your lines crossed with a complete stranger, or almost losing a thumb to a hard head barb. I might just be speaking from experience- small prices to pay for the knowledge and lifetime memories I have gained.
All in all, my idea to create Coastie Culture would not have been born had it not been for my time at Galveston Fishing Pier. It's a wonderful place to learn, to fish, to bring a friend, and to be treated like family (thanks Diz).
This Coastie Culture shout out goes to the owners of GFP, Jimmy and Kelly. Thanks for the fun.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
"Speed Fishing" - Molding a Coastie
The next step in my evolution to becoming a "Coastie" was fishing with my father-in-law, Mike. Let me start by explaining that he is a retired Police Chief who, prior to working up the ranks, served as a MP in the Army during Vietnam. Mike is admittedly a Type A person--- which makes going out on his boat with him extremely entertaining.
If I'm lucky, my mother-in-law (Terri), will go out on the boat with us. She always packs sandwiches and sun screen, and she is always excited about being on the open water. Let's just be honest, there would be no boat to go out on if Terri didn't let Mike buy one. From this I learned: sandwiches and sunscreen make everything better, it's always exciting to go fishing, and (last but not least) bad ass wives let their husbands buy bad ass boats.
This post's shout out obviously goes to my in-laws. Thanks, Mike and Terri. Not everyone is lucky enough to marry into a family full of Coasties.
Mike does a lot of what my wife and I call "Speed Fishing". By that I mean that we never spend more than 10 minutes at each fishing spot. I might be exaggerating a little but not much. I could be pulling in 5 fish at a time, but when Mike is ready to move on--- he is ready to move on. From this, I learned about 100 different fishing spots in about 3 fishing trips.
Mike also always has top of the line gear. It's like he just stepped out of some kind of bait and tackle magazine photo shoot. Because he has all sorts of fancy gear, he makes sure he uses every bit of it on every trip. Every single bit of it. This means that at each 10 minute stop-- 5 minutes of that time is used to switch out lures, weights, or bait; hell, he might even be working one pole on the top water and one pole dragging the bottom. From this, I learned which gear is good in which spots and which name-brands to splurge on.
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My brother in law, Trey and my father in law, Mike, heading to the next spot. |
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Mike, driving the boat and rocking the stache. Terri--- photo bombing. |
Organization is key on Mike's boat. There is a place for everything and everything has its place. There are compartments labeled with a P-touch, there are velcro straps for the gear; hell, sometimes there are even assigned seats and an itinerary posted so you know when and where the next stop will be. When we get done, the itinerary (in a waterproof bag), tells us what chores we are all assigned to in order to stow the boat properly. From this, I learned that your gear lasts longer when you take good care of it, it's easier (and quicker) to change your gear out if you are organized, and the cleaning part goes faster when you work together.
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Mike's baby |
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Doing my chores |
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He let me sit behind the wheel once. For a minute. Before he got in the boat. |
I also never need a baby sitter when I go out on the boat with Mike because he is the WORLD'S GREATEST PAPA. The kids know where their assigned seats are and they know what their chores are when we get home. From this I learned, kids are always welcome when it comes to fishing because somebody has to raise a future generation of Coasties.
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Assigned Seat Fun |
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Quit playing and do your chores! I don't care if you are 2 yrs old. |
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Jez- pulling in his own catch. |
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Jez and Rae with their haul |
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Look, it's a sheepshead. Now--get back to your assigned seat. |
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Jez- taking a break from his assigned seat. |
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Papa and Jez |
If I'm lucky, my mother-in-law (Terri), will go out on the boat with us. She always packs sandwiches and sun screen, and she is always excited about being on the open water. Let's just be honest, there would be no boat to go out on if Terri didn't let Mike buy one. From this I learned: sandwiches and sunscreen make everything better, it's always exciting to go fishing, and (last but not least) bad ass wives let their husbands buy bad ass boats.
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Excited Terri. Photo bomb by the sandwich cooler. |
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chores |
A Culture Created
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Fresh Water catch in East Texas on Hochheim Lake |
It's hard to say exactly when my passion for the water first began. However, I know exactly when my addiction to the Texas Coast started.
At the end of 2010, I married my beautiful wife, Crystal, who is an AP Literature teacher a few miles down the road from Galveston. It wasn't long after the move down here (from Denton, Texas... represent) that I was invited to go on a fishing trip in the bay with some friends.
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Me, Crystal, Nash, Lee, Rick on Galveston Party Boats |
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Slim, Rick, Ruben, Lee, Crystal, Me on Galveston Party Boats |
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My wife, me, and one of my first Coastie catches! Ha! That's my buddy Lee photo bombing in the back. |
No matter the size of that first catch, it was at that moment that I vowed to learn all there is to know about salt water fishing. It was then I realized that the Coast is a Culture all its own.
This blog will be a record of my evolution into a "Coastie" and those who helped me out along the way.
*I'm a firm believer in shout outs. We have had some good times on the Galveston Party Boats. You can find them at .
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Avery's catch. Photo bomb by Jason. |
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Jason, Me, Crystal, and Avery Avery's b-day trip on Galveston Party Boats |
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